These are the next generation T-shank Jigsaw blade holders for Milwaukee cases and Packout bins. My previous version can be found here.
Why did I make a redesigned version? I was seeing photos of people using my jigsaw blade holders upside down. When I asked them why, they said the blades would fall out otherwise. I also experienced blades falling out in my own daily use.
So in version 2 I got rid of the retaining balls. The biggest problem with the old holder was that T-shank blades come in a variety of thicknesses. It’s almost impossible to design a fit that accommodates all thicknesses.
Instead, I designed a slider lock that slides into the notch between the T shank and the bottom of the blade. This prevents the blade from coming out when the slider is in the lock position and allows for a loose fit of the blade in the slot so the blade is easier to insert and remove.
The slider locks and unlocks all the blades at once. When the blades are unlocked, they are easily removed from the holder by lifting them out. You shouldn’t have to apply much force. This is also inherently much safer when your hands are around pointy-sharp blades.
The model says version 6, but this is the 2nd generation of these jigsaw blade holders. V6 is my own internal versioning. It means that this is approximately the 6th different idea I tried.
Print Settings
Printer: Prusa i3 MK3
Slicer: Cura Slicer
Material: Inland PET-G
Resolution: 0.2mm with a 0.4mm nozzle
Wall Lines/Perimeters: Holder 2, Sliding Lock 3
Infill: 10% Gyroid
Notes: The holder can be printed with 2 perimeters or wall lines, but I found that the sliding lock prints better with 3 perimeters or wall lines.
You will need to print both the holder and the slider files.

There is a right way and a wrong way to install the sliding lock into the holder. First wait 15 minutes until the parts have completely cooled, the parts will shrink slightly as the cool and this will effect the fit.

Reference the photo above. Start with the empty holder without any blades. Look for the end of the sliding lock that has a long face and then a cut (not a short face then a cut). This is the end that needs to be inserted into the holder first.
I do not have a printer.
do you have these available for sale.
I do not sell anything, but I have a handy-dandy list of ways to get them printed and approved vendors: https://3dprints.electronsmith.com/purchasing/
Are you going to make an updated file for the new Milwaukee shockwave boxes? These are about a 1/4 in too long to fit into the new cases.
I wasn’t planning on it.