ToughBuilt ClipTech Receiver

ToughBuilt ClipTech Mini Receiver and Receiver


You want to add some accessories to your ToughBuilt ClipTech Belt, but they don’t sell the receiver part. I’ve created two different sizes of ToughBuilt receivers that clip onto the both the stock ClipTech hubs and my ToughBuilt ClipTech Tool Pouch Mounts.

These receivers are different than the ClipTech receivers that are sold on tool pouches. Rather than use a lever to lock the receiver to the hub, they use a spring mechanism to hold onto the ClipTech hubs. I chose to do this to simplify the design and make it have fewer and less complicated parts.

Even though they are held on by a spring clip, they still have a decent amount of holding power, they shouldn’t bounce off the hub .


Printer: Prusa i3 MK3
Slicer: PrusaSlicer
Material: Inland PET-G
Resolution: 0.3 mm with a 0.4mm nozzle
Wall Lines/Perimeters: 4
Infill: Minimum 20% Gyroid. The higher infill percentage the stronger the part.


Download and print either the receiver or mini receiver STL files, plus you also will need to download and print the receiver spring and receiver pin STL files.

To assemble the receiver:

ToughBuilt ClipTech Receiver Assembly Sliding the Spring into Place

Slide the receiver spring into the dovetail channel with the detent facing the open end of the channel. Keep pushing the spring until it sticks out flush with the top. The end spring should move freely back and forth at this point and the hole in the spring and the body should be aligned.

ToughBuilt ClipTech Receiver Assembly Putting in the Spring Pin

Stick the receiver pin into the hole at the top and back of the receiver. It will probably be tight, so you can take a pliers and compress one end until it fits into the hole. Be careful to just apply enough force to slightly change it’s diameter.

Then push the pin into the receiver body until it is flush with the back.


      1. hi need help tried printing it but half way the printer head no longer was close to the piece

  1. Hi, I’m a newbie to 3d printing and the receiver is my first effort. All done & Gotta say that I’m blown away. I’m now inspired to do all sorts of weird and wonderful stuff that you can’t buy.

    1. No they use the same spring, it should be a tight fit though. It could be that your printer is over extruding. You could try printing the spring with fewer perimeters.

  2. I am looking for the clip that connects to the tool belt I have not been able to find anyone that sells this particular item

      1. Correct that I am looking for the part that connects to the tool pouch not the toe belt those I can easily pick up at Lowe’s it’s the one that is riveted on to the tool pouch

  3. Hello… I have printed these models and they are working well
    TRhank you very much!
    Only thing is I don’t understand the use of the “mini” as your Universal Clip doesn’t fit to it.

  4. This may be a dumb question, but I’m new. I’m assuming the main body needs supports to print properly. It pops into my slicer upright sitting on it’s bottom edge. Would this be the ideal way to print? and just have the slicer add in supports?

    1. All the STLs I release are oriented in the way they should be printed.

      You know I don’t remember. I want to say that it will print fine without them.

      I just went to find one and I did not use supports. If you aren’t comfortable enough with your print settings to bridge this far, I would just paint on some support on the outside lip [or just use tree supports (organic in some slicers) ] Otherwise it might be too hard to remove grid like supports from the inside roof.

      1. Thanks for the reply .. I ended up using tree supports and it worked great. The slicer knew what it was doing, and pretty much did what you described. I do want to try one without any at all and see what happens, though.

        I’ve been looking for something like this for awhile, So I appreciate you making this available.

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